2017 eCQMs 101 Quiz

Can you pass the NEW 2017 eCQMs 101 Quiz?
So you've finally passed our 2016 eCQMs 101 quiz huh? Well get ready for a new challenge. We've updated our quiz for 2017 and this year it's even harder! That's because we've included questions about both the CMS Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) and The Joint Commission ORYX Accreditation programs.
Take this quiz to see how much you really know about the eCQM requirements for the 2017 CMS IQR and TJC ORYX Accreditation programs.
Caution: This test isn't for wimps.
eCQM Preparation Checklist for 2017
Medisolv offers software and services which will assist your hospital in selection, validation and submission of your eCQMs to the CMS IQR program.
To learn more about Medisolv's certified Quality Reporting and Management Solution, click here. Our solution is exclusively endorsed by The American Hospital Association.