2018 eCQM Requirements for The Joint Commission ORYX® Initiative for Quality Improvement

eCQM reporting can be frustrating and overwhelming. We get it—but there’s a silver lining! The work that you put in to successfully meet your eCQM requirements will ultimately help to improve the quality of care offered at your organization.
While you still have time to meet the June 30th deadline for eCQM submissions to The Joint Commission, it’s never too early to start preparing for round two!
Today, we are going to focus on 2018 eCQM requirements for The Joint Commission ORYX® initiative for quality improvement program. We break down the major requirements in the following short video.
Don’t feel like listening to us yap? Get the written recap below.
Phew, nothing new here for 2018. Hospitals must still submit four of the available 13 eCQMs to the program.
This is the second year that eCQMs are required as a part of The Joint Commission ORYX® program. Remember, these eCQMs must be submitted separately from the eCQMs required for the CMS Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) program.
Just as last year, you must submit one quarter of 2018 data. Keep in mind that the eCQM submission process for The Joint Commission is completely different than the submission process for the CMS IQR program. We suggest that you begin submitting your measures as soon as the window opens in December of 2018, however, you do have until March 15, 2019 to submit your data to The Joint Commission.
Note: Your data must be submitted no later than 8:00 p.m. CT on the submission deadline.
You have two reporting options for 2018:
- Use an acceptable ORYX® vendor, like Medisolv, to submit your eCQM data or
- Complete a direct submission through The Joint Commission portal.
The easier option is to use an ORYX® vendor (*cough Medisolv cough*) to submit your eCQMs, but if you choose to direct submit, there are a few guidelines that you must follow.
- The data file that you submit must use EHR technology that’s certified to the 2014 or 2015 edition of CEHRT.
- The EHR technology must be listed on the ONC Certified Health IT Product List.
- All files submitted to The Joint Commission must be in the QRDA 1 file format.
Medisolv offers a quality reporting solution that helps hospitals and clinicians monitor and submit their eCQMs to various regulatory programs such as The Joint Commission and CMS.
So, if you’re looking for someone to help you with implementation, validation and submission of eCQMs, send us a note. We’d love to have a chat and see if we are a good fit for you.
P.S. If you haven’t submitted your eCQMs to The Joint Commission for 2017, we can still help! Send us an email at info@medisolv.com and we will get you all squared away for your 2017 reporting year.