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Medisolv Blog 2020 Quality Reporting Bundle

2020 Quality Reporting Bundle

2020 Quality Reporting Bundle

Each year, Medisolv releases our annual Quality Reporting Bundle which contains the requirements, measure lists and deadlines for submission to the CMS IQR and TJC ORYX® quality initiative programs. Download your copy today.

Preparing to report your quality data to CMS and The Joint Commission can be overwhelming, especially when requirements are updated often during this COVID-19 crisis.

To help simplify the reporting process for your organization, we've put together our annual Quality Reporting Bundle for 2020, which has all the important documents you'll need for a successful submission.  

Check out what you’ll find in this handy bundle below.

CMS IQR Program: (Inpatient Quality Reporting)

  • Reporting requirements

  • Measure list

  • Deadlines

TJC ORYX® Program: (The Joint Commission ORYX®Quality Initiative Program)

  • Reporting requirements

  • Measure list

  • Deadlines

Download the bundle:


Focus on Quality

We've seen some big changes in the CMS eCQMs. With Medisolv as your partner we help guide you through every new change along the way. Talk with us about how we can help you track and improve your quality performance on measures like the newest eCQM Safe Use of Opioids.

Here are some additional resources you may find useful.
