eCQMs Resources Roundup

From specification details to QRDA file creation, the location of information about eCQMs can be difficult to find. So Medisolv has pulled together a list of eCQM resources for you to reference.
These are the websites our own clinical consultants reference as they prepare our hospitals for eCQM implementation or during their annual specification review. Keep this list handy during submission season for quick reference.
If you have any webpages you reference, share them in the comments section below.
CMS eCQM Library
CMS provides a robust, if somewhat confusing, portal for eCQM resources. Primarily you’ll want to bookmark this page for measure specification information. From here, you can download the measure specifications and review the release notes.
Make sure you select the appropriate reporting period.
Additional Resources:
Guide to Reading eCQMs
Implementation Guide for Quality Reporting Document Architecture
JIRA is a software program provided by CMS/ONC. Use this website for any issues and questions related to the eCQM specifications, logic and/or QRDA reporting. On this webpage, you may log and discuss issues with subject matter experts and users through the JIRA Clinical Quality Measure Feedback System.
JIRA CQM Issue Tracker: Used to track issues related to electronic clinical quality measures.
JIRA QRDA Issue Tracker: Used to collect technical questions or problems identified during the implementation of QRDA standards or reporting QRDA fields.
Additional Resource:
Information on how to use JIRA
Value Set Authority Center (VSAC)
Provided by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the Value Set Authority Center (VSACV) is where you obtain the value sets for the eCQMs. You can download packages in multiple file formats from the downloads page on VSAC’s website. The value sets are available as a complete set, as well as value sets per measure. You will be required to login with Unified Medical Language System® Metathesaurus License credentials, also available through the VSAC website.
Additional Resource:
The Data Element Catalog: Contains the complete list of updated eCQMs and value set names.
US Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK)
The United States Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK) is an on-line, publicly accessible registry and repository of healthcare-related metadata, specifications, and standards. USHIK is funded and directed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) with management support and engagement from numerous public and private partners. This website is another great resource for you to download the eCQM logic, value sets and nomenclature. It also allows for year-to-year comparison of these items.
eCQI Resource Center
The eCQI (Electronic Clinical Quality Improvement) Resource Center is a joint effort between CMS and ONC to provide a one-stop shop for your eCQM needs. They provide you with educational materials, measure specifications, an events calendar and links to eCQM tools and resources.
Pioneers in Quality Portal
Pioneers in Quality (PIQ) is a Joint Commission program to assist hospitals on their journey towards Electronic Clinical Quality Measure adoption. This website includes educational programs (i.e., webinars for CEUs), a resource portal, recognition categories, an advisory council, a modified annual report, speaker’s bureau outreach, a peer–to–peer solution exchange, as well as having a strong focus on partnering with hospitals to provide the highest level of quality care for patients and their families.
QualityNet Help Desk
If you have policy questions related to specific reporting programs, you may submit those through the QualityNet help desk or information center.
Phone: 866-288-8912
TTY: 877-715-6222
Fax: 888-329-7377
At Medisolv, we strive to provide quality education to clients and non-clients alike. Of course, if you are a client, you’ll receive your own clinical consultant who will hold your team’s hand through implementation, data validation and updates. We also submit your files to the regulatory reporting programs on your behalf. That’s what makes us different.
Additional Resources:
Educational Webinars
Educational Blog
Phone: 844-633-4765