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Medisolv Blog EHR Evolutionary Scale

EHR Evolutionary Scale

EHR Evolutionary Scale

Has your organization evolved?

More specifically, has your organization's use of its EHR evolved? In the primal beginning of EHR use, it was generally a way for hospitals to capture transactions. Over the years, the true power of the EHR has evolved to be a much more sophisticated system, by which hospitals can catapult themselves into the Modern Age. 

So where do you fall along this EHR Evolutionary Scale? Have you advanced enough to use your EHR to help measure the quality of care at your organization? Or are you stuck in the Stone Age, as the upright ape, merely using the EHR to deliver clinical data to providers?

All hospitals fall somewhere along this spectrum, but only the most advanced can truly claim to use their EHR to measure the quality of care at their organization. Of course to do this, your system must have a way to accurately capture your Electronic Clinical Quality Measures. But it's not enough to merely capture the measures; this type of advancement requires an entire team dedicated to maintain, improve and analyze measure results. Without these elements in place, you can never hope to truly reach an advanced EHR state. 

So honestly, where do you fall? And if you aren't advanced, what will it take to move your organization to that level?


Ok, yes, I concede that the EMRAM score is a much more accurate way to measure the extent to which you use your EHR, but don't you think the monkeys are cuter?


2019 Quality Reporting Bundle

Preparing to report your eCQM and chart-abstracted measure data to CMS and The Joint Commission can be overwhelming, especially if you're not sure what's required of you or where to search for accurate and up-to-date information. 

Set your uncertainties and worries aside. To help simplify the reporting process for your organization this year, we've put together a 2019 Quality Reporting Bundle which has all the important documents you'll need for a successful submission. 

 This bundle includes:

CMS IQR Program

  1. Reporting Requirements
  2. Measure List
  3. Deadlines

The Joint Commission ORYX® program

  1. Reporting Requirements
  2. Measure List
  3. Deadlines

An Acronym Reference Guide

