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Medisolv Blog 50 Quality Reporting Resources

50 Quality Reporting Resources

50 Quality Reporting Resources


🎶“Fifty nifty United States from thirteen original colonies…” 🎶

Does anybody else remember this song? If you do, you most likely can name all of the states in alphabetical order. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out this video to waste a few minutes of your day.

This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day, so we've put together a list of 50 nifty quality reporting resources for you; one for each state. Enjoy!

Star-1.pngCMS IQR Program

1. ARTICLE:  5 Hospital IQR Program Requirements in 2017


2. DOWNLOAD:  2017 eCQM Reporting Checklist

This download includes a checklist of items you should consider before submitting your eCQMs to the CMS Inpatient Quality Reporting program. 


3. DOWNLOAD: The Ultimate Quality Reporting Package Bundle

This bundle includes reporting requirements, measure lists and 
deadlines for the CMS IQR and TJC ORYX accreditation programs.


4. CMS PDF:  Hospital IQR Program Dates and Deadlines


5. CMS PDF: Hospital IQR Program Reporting Quarters for 2017


6. CMS PDF: Hospital IQR Program Reference Checklist


7. WEBPAGE: A list of eCQMs used in the CMS IQR Program 


8. WEBPAGE: 2017 IPPS Final Rule 


9. ARTICLE: Five things to know about the 2017 IPPS Final Rule


10. SLIDESHOW: A slideshow of highlights from the 2018 IPPS Proposed Rule 


11. QUIZ: A quiz to see how well you know your eCQM requirements


12. WEBPAGE: QualityNet Hospital IQR Program Overview


13. WEBPAGE: eCQM Library 

Includes measure specification information and release notes.


14. CMS PDF: Implementation Guide for Quality Reporting Document Architecture


15. WEBPAGE: Value Set Authority Center (VSAC)

Where you can find the value sets for the eCQMs


16. WEBPAGE: US Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK)


17. WEBPAGE: ONC JIRA eCQM Issue Tracker


18. WEBPAGE: Data Elements Catalog

The Data Element Catalog identifies data element names required for capturing


19. WEBPAGE: eCQI Resource Center

A joint effort between CMS and ONC to provide you eCQM educational materials,
measure specifications, an events calendar and links to tools & resources.


20. INFOGRAPHIC: An infographic explaining what Medicare revenue is at risk in 2017



Star-1.pngThe Joint Commission ORYX Accreditation
Quality Reporting Program

21. TJC PDF: 2017 TJC ORYX Performance Measure Reporting Requirements


22. TJC PDF: 2017 TJC ORYX Reporting Program Measure List


23. TJC PDF: FAQs about 2017 ORYX Performance Measure Reporting Requirements


24. TJC PDF: ORYX Vendor Lists

a. eCQMs
b. Chart-Abstracted



25. WEBPAGE: Pioneers in Quality Portal

Pioneers in Quality is a Joint Commission program to assist hospitals with their eCQM adoption. It includes educational programs and resources




CMS MACRA Quality Payment Program

26. DOWNLOAD: Beginner’s Guide to MACRA eBook


27. WEBPAGE: Find out if you’re eligible to report to MIPS using this Eligibility assessment tool


28. CMS PDF: MIPS Participation Fact Sheet


29. GPO PDF: MACRA Final Rule Full Document

Let’s be real, you’re not going to click that link it’s over 1,000 pages long.


30. CMS PDF: MACRA Final Rule Executive Summary

That is much better.


31. ARTICLE: 13 Things to Know About the MACRA Final Rule

Oh yeah, now that’s what I’m talking about.


32. CMS PDF: CMS Quality Payment Program Overview Fact Sheet


33. ARTICLE: A deep dive into the Quality category of MIPS 


34. DOWNLOAD: Quality Benchmarks Download

Includes an overview of how to read the benchmarks and an excel sheet with the Quality benchmarks.


35. CMS PDF: Advancing Care Information Category Fact Sheet


36. ARTICLE: A deep dive into the Advancing Care Information category of MIPS


37. CMS PDF: Improvement Activities Category Fact Sheet


38. ARTICLE: A deep dive into the Improvement Activities category of MIPS


39. WEBPAGE: A tool to review all Quality measures

Includes measure number, type, priority, submission method, measure set and explanation. You can also add a bunch of measures and download them as a CSV file.


40. WEBPAGE: A tool to review all Advancing Care Information measures

Includes measure ID, name, Base Score designation, Performance score weight and explanation of the measure. Also includes CSV download ability.


41. WEBPAGE: A tool to review all Improvement Activities

Includes activity ID, name, activity weighting and explanation of the measure. And you guessed it the ability to download the activities as a CSV download.


42. CMS PDF: Support for Small Practices Fact Sheet


43. QUIZ: A quiz to see how well you know MACRA


44. ARTICLE: An explanation of the potential MIPS earnings your organization can achieve in 2017


45.CMS PDF: A list of all CMS Qualified Registries

P.S. Check out page 36 : )


46. ARTICLE: A MIPS Fact Check to help you avoid common pitfalls




General Quality Reporting Resources

47. ARTICLE: The History of Quality Reporting


48. PDF: Quality Acronym Reference Guide 


49. WEBPAGE: Hospital Compare Website


50. WEBPAGE: Physician Compare Website


That's the end of the list. Phew! That's a lot of resources.

In all seriousness, we thank all of the men and women who have served or are currently serving in the United States military. Happy Memorial Day.


The 8 Requirements For Hospital IQR Program In 2018

While some hospitals have the IQR program down to a science, there are still many hospitals out there that still scramble each year. In my hospital, who is responsible for what? What are the dates to complete each part of the program?

The best way to succeed is to begin with a plan. To make it easier for you, we've laid out the eight requirements you must do in 2018 to successfully complete the IQR program in this FREE 23-page eBook.

This eBook includes:

  1. The requirements for each part of program
  2. Submission method details
  3. Measure lists
  4. 2018 deadlines

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