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Medisolv Blog 50 Healthcare Quality Reporting Resources for 2022

50 Healthcare Quality Reporting Resources for 2022

50 Healthcare Quality Reporting Resources for 2022

Happy 4th of July everyone! We hope you have a great weekend full of hot dogs and hamburgers, apple pie and ice cream and fireworks, friends and family.

In honor of Independence Day, we’ve gathered a list of 50 resources for your quality reporting needs. Quality reporting success coming right up.

CMS IQR Program

1. DOWNLOAD: 2022 Quality Reporting Bundle
This bundle includes reporting requirements, measure lists and deadlines for the CMS IQR and TJC ORYX® accreditation programs.
2. ARTICLE: 2022 eCQM Requirements for the CMS IQR Program icon-02
3. EBOOK: 2022 Hospital IQR Program Requirements icon-05
4. DOWNLOAD: 2022 Hospital Quality Reporting Deadlines Calendar
CMS gives you a lot of deadlines to remember your quality reporting programs. One thing they don't give you is a calendar to keep it all straight! 
5. SLIDESHOW: 2023 IPPS Proposed Rule Changes icon-04
6. ARTICLE: How to Implement the Hybrid Mortality Measure icon-02
7. CMS PDF: 2022 Hospital IQR Program Important Dates and Deadlines icon-03
8. CMS PDF: Hospital IQR Program Reporting Quarters 2022 icon-03
9. CMS PDF: 2022 Implementation Guide for QRDA I Files icon-03
10. ARTICLE: Becoming a “Birthing-Friendly” Facility icon-02


CMS PI Program

11. ARTICLE: A Guide to Promoting Interoperability for Hospitals & Clinicians icon-02
12. ARTICLE: Understanding SAFER Guides icon-02


Public Reporting

13. DOWNLOAD: Care Compare and Leapfrog Cross Walk
An excel sheet with all the reported quality measures, used by CMS and LeapFrog with information about timelines for release and timeframes of data used.
14. DOWNLOAD: When Its Public Calendar
A calendar that shows you when your quality measures are made public and the preview periods before the data is released.
15. DOWNLOAD: Inpatient eCQM Benchmark Report
This eBook gives you benchmarks for 12 inpatient eCQMs, based on Medisolv client performance for all four quarters of 2021.
16. ARTICLE: The Basics of Care Compare and Leapfrog Safety Grades icon-02


Digital Measurement

17. ARTICLE: What is Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Data? icon-02
18. ARTICLE: Value-Based Care vs. Fee-for-Service: Are We There Yet? icon-02
ARTICLE: dQMs: Preparing for the Unknown icon-02
20. ARTICLE: How Does Digital Equity in Healthcare Affect Quality Data? icon-02
21. DOWNLOAD: Data Quality Checklist & Monitoring Plan icon-01


The Joint Commission ORYX® Initiative for 
Quality improvement Program

41. WEBPAGE: QualityNet Hospital IQR Program Overview icon-07
42. WEBPAGE: Quality Reporting Center Resources & Tools List icon-07
43. WEBPAGE: Value Set Authority Center (VSAC)
Here you’ll find the value sets for eCQMs. Note that you must have a login to access this site.
44. WEBPAGE: US Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK) icon-07
45. WEBPAGE: ONC JIRA eCQM Issue Tracker
Here you can submit and track eCQM problems and resolutions.
46. WEBPAGE: eCQI Resource Center
eCQM educational materials, measure specifications, an events calendar and links to tools and resources provided by CMS and ONC.
WEBPAGE: QualityNet OQR Program Overview icon-07
48. WEBPAGE: Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting Program Overview icon-07
49. WEBPAGE: QPP Participation Status Tool icon-07
50. WEBPAGE: CMS Care Compare icon-07


That’s a wrap, folks. Do you feel like a quality reporting pro yet?

We hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends. Happy Fourth of July!
